GChat and Molls: Continuing to Help Me Avoid Productivity

It continues to amaze me just HOW unproductive I am capable of being. Molls and I had another chat today. This time, I was laughing so hard I was crying. I am in awe of how correctly I have been using the word “spelunk.” Like, best. usage. ever.

Molls: I need some girl sex
me: i watched the margaret cho skit about sleeping with the chick on the lesbian cruise
where she was like, i just did what they do in movies
me: and she acts like she is holding her breath and doing the breast stroke through it
Molls: I need to watch more of her
me: i always like the term “spelunking through vagina”
Molls: speaking of great terms
Molls: so I was listening to NPR this morning and they had this panel of “undecided voters” aka idiots talking about the election
Molls: and this guy was like “I can’t vote for obama. He’s got a big, black agenda”
Molls: I nearly peed myself laughing
Molls: then I told [Insert Boy's Name Here] he’s going to need to keep his big black agenda in his pants*
me: hahahahaha
me: i asked someone how to spell spelunk and they were like, i dont know what that means
me: so i googled it
me: “travel to or penetrate into; explore unknown territory in biology”
Molls: that is entirely too appropriate
me: oh wait… i went to close the window and i missed the main definition
me: “explore natural caves”
me: even better
me: i am dying right now
me: by the way, i am blogging this one, too.

*Damian, this one’s for you.
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One Comment

  1. Dark Damian
    Posted August 1, 2008 at 4:05 pm | Permalink

    I love you women. A lot.

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