Just a quick post to let you guys know I’m alive. I haven’t been at the apartment hardly at all since I moved in, so I have seen my roommates for all of 5 minutes. Therefore, I haven’t gotten a chance to get the internet password yet, and can sporadically steal from someone else, but not often.
Boston is good! I had a job interview today, so fingers crossed! I’ve been keeping busy, and have 3 OkCupid dates set up for this week. I’ve also got more friends left in the city than I thought, so I’ve been seeing people often. The apartment smells of Axe, weed, and Chinese food. Yes, I am living with college boys for the month of August while I look for a studio for September. I’m subletting a furnished room for the month, so I won’t have to live here long. The boys seem nice enough, though one I didn’t know was a roommate until yesterday! The first night, he was sleeping on the couch, so I assumed it was a friend of one of the roommates. I’d met the two that live here, and then there’s a fourth room that only has a twin mattress on the floor, sans sheets, so I figured that person hadn’t found someone to sublet that room and it was vacant. Then I saw him walking out as I was walking in and thought, “This kid hangs out here a lot!” Well, it turns out that he lives here. And sleeps on a twin mattress on the floor, sans sheets. College boys are lovely.
My feet are sore and cut up, it’s bloody hot in this tiny room that lacks a closet, an I still haven’t found a job, but I’m happy and hopeful! Stay tuned and we’ll be back to regularly scheduled posting as soon as I have dependable internet, or I take my ass down to find a cafe with WiFi.

Great to hear you are busy and happy!
Yay! You made it!
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the apartment hunt and the job for you
Congrats on a successful move! *Fingers crossed on the job search thing*
You’ll get the job. You’re awesome.