Grammar is Clearly Not One of Your “Specialty’s,” Nor Does Being Offensive Seem to Be One, Either

Oh, OkCupid.

Subject: being offensive is one of my specialty’s

Message: How offensive you ask, well….example; I once got up in-front of 150 coworkers and 200 people that were from other company at a company dinner in Hong Kong (I used to live there). Were I proceed to sing my joking version of Beijing opera. How did they react you may ask well…standing ovation (the trick was to make fun of the western in the song not that any one really knew what I was saying).
How about your self? Just how bad can you be?
I am going to be very upfront and say that part of the resign that I find you so interesting is that you seem to have similar sexual proclivity. That and you seem to be an intelligent woman with a strong sens of self.
So I would very much enjoy talking with you and find out more about you. I trust that I have at lest provided some more entertainment them most of the messages you get.

I must be missing the “entertaining” part of this message. Also, the offensive part of the story. I mean, if it was offensive, would he have gotten a standing ovation?

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One Comment

  1. EpiphoraNo Gravatar
    Posted August 9, 2010 at 12:59 am | Permalink

    Resign. RESIGN. I am in awe of how stupid one must be to spell reason RESIGN.

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