Day 4: Your Sibling


I don’t know if you know this, but you’re one of my favorite people in the world. You make me laugh harder than anyone else, and being around you somehow makes me revert into being a giddy little girl. I have so much fun with you, and I wish we got to hang out more often. I also wish that I got to see that side of you more often than I see the other side of you: the douchey prick. I know you’re unhappy. I know that you seem to lack a purpose and a direction. I know you hate living at home with mom and dad. I try to remember that whenever I get frustrated with your assholeish attitude and behavior.

I hope that you learn to face your anxiety and fears, and stop self-medicating instead with weed and booze. You’re not lazy or apathetic, like you want everyone to believe. You’re scared and anxious. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It amazes me that you still get up and go to Europe, Asia, and Australia and have these once-in-a-lifetime experiences despite all that, even though I think it’s your way of escaping from having to be a responsible person. I want you to stop ignoring or running away when things get hard. You’re capable of working through it.

I hope you find what you’re looking for. You’re awesome, and you know I love the shit out of you.

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  1. Outspoken CliticNo Gravatar
    Posted July 24, 2010 at 10:57 am | Permalink

    You two were the cutest little kids EVER. With the possible exception of me and my brother, of course ;-) .

  2. JanieNo Gravatar
    Posted July 24, 2010 at 3:31 pm | Permalink

    My brother is a bit like that. It can be very frustrating – he’s so smart but he just doesn’t do anything with that. I hope your brother finds his purpose and gets happier :) Also you guys were so cute as kids!


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