I’m not one of those people that can have a quickie in the car and go right back to the party, pretending nothing happened. You see, while I don’t smoke weed, I can still get stoned. Yes, that’s right. Sex makes me stoned. After sex, even if I don’t orgasm, I’m totally out of it. I can’t form coherent sentences. I giggle a lot. I have trouble comprehending what’s being said to me. I’ll probably run into the wall on my way to the bathroom. And then, I’ll pass out for a bit. My cheeks turn red. My chest gets flushed. Anyone that saw me would know *exactly* what I had just been doing.
Sex completely incapacitates me. Sex fucks me up. Sex gets me motherfucking stoned.

My husband and I refer to it as “the dumb.” =P
Now that should be a new nickname for Sex. “Oh, no, I am out getting stoned all night long with Bob.” Wait, does make it seem like something else but you can keep people guessing on what is exactly happening.
ME TOO! the guys i sleep with are always “….what the fuck is the matter with you?” after we’re done, because i end up more fucked up than when we started.
ME TOO! I also have, strangely, exceptionally bad facial recognition after sex. Glad I’m not the only ‘stoned’ one!
High fives like whoa.