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Britni TheVadgeWig
I'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
Because I Am a Shameless, Broke-Ass Bitch
All donations are welcome, of course! You can always buy me something off my wishlist, as well. -
Dirty Minds
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- Allegory of an Underage Femme Fatale
- Always Aroused Girl
- Ask Garnet
- Bad Bad Girl
- Carnivalesq
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- Desk Full of Dildos
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- Figleaf's Real Adult Sex
- Having My Cake and Eating It Too
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- Hey Epiphora
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- Of Sex and Love
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- They Belong To Us
- This Could Be Dangerous…
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Kinky Bastards
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- Diary of an Undercover Kinkster
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- Saynine
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- The Adventures of Kara and Jessica
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Bitchin' Peeps
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- Are You My Life?
- bebehblog
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- The Wild and Absolutely True Adventures of Meg
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At A Crossroads
What do people get out of criticizing my life choices? Out of reprimanding me? Out of judging me for the mistakes I make? We’re all human. We all make mistakes. We all do things that aren’t healthy, or that may not be the right decision. Yet, for some reason, many of my readers of late have chosen to take me to task for these things, to hold me up to an impossible standard, or to be absolutely brutal to me for no reason.
I have thick skin; I can handle a lot. I can handle criticism. But the fact is, it’s been especially rough lately. I post the majority of the comments that I receive, even if they’re not positive. I don’t pretend that everyone will approve of everything I do and say, and that’s okay. But some people have been downright cruel lately, and if you could see some of the comments that I *don’t* post, you’d probably be horrified. I know that not everyone will love me. But I don’t understand the people that continue to read and comment here if they have that much vitriol and think I’m that awful of a person.
There’s only so much of that that I can take, and I’ve reached a crossroads at which I find myself censoring what I post here. I don’t want to do that. I blog so that I have an outlet. These are my thoughts, my feelings, and my life, and to be taken to task for every choice that you make or opinion that you have gets frustrating and discouraging. And so, I’m feeling kind of stuck in terms of what I want to post here. I hate feeling like this, because I want this to be a space that I can just let my fingers fly and let my thoughts come out on the page.
But at the moment, I don’t feel like I can do that. And I hate it.
Photo source.
ETA: I’ve currently disabled my Formspring account due to the constant and brutal harassment that I’ve been receiving on there.