In the Light of Day

It’s been a while since I’ve been marked or bruised. Daddy doesn’t like to leave bruises, unless I’m being punished, and so most of the bruises He leaves on me are due to a slip of the wrist or Him adjusting to a new toy. These were a combination of everything: punishment for missing our last trip and for putting Him through hell the last few weeks. Reclaiming His whore and reminding me who I belonged to. A new paddle that I had picked out, with my favorite name written on the face. Him being out of practice because it had been so long since He’d had any kind of impact play.

Immediately after my spanking/paddling, I had angry welts that looked like they would leave nasty bruises.

But the next day, the bruises weren’t nearly as bad as we had feared, and were actually kind of pretty.

And I love what they represent for us. A return to form of sorts, symbolizing a step beyond the stresses and the frustrations of the last month. Reminding me, and Him, who my body and heart belong to.

It’s true what they say: everything looks better in the light of day.

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  1. 13messagesNo Gravatar
    Posted March 6, 2010 at 1:41 am | Permalink

    You are so beautiful. That top pic is especially fantastic!

  2. EpiphoraNo Gravatar
    Posted March 6, 2010 at 3:29 am | Permalink

    I love yer butt!

  3. Joanna CakeNo Gravatar
    Posted March 6, 2010 at 8:26 am | Permalink

    For so many years, I did martial arts because I was punishing myself for my insecurities and inadequacies. I gloried in any bruises!

    When I met Ruf, I liked it when he paddled me or whipped me. I actively encouraged him to bite me hard enough to leave bruises on hidden areas so that when I went back to the house I had some visible and physical reminder of his love.

    Since he has worked his magic and transformed my perception of myself, I dont ‘need’ those marks of his approval any more.

    I dont really understand the reasoning behind the dynamics of D/s relationships but I cant help wondering if there are problems in the psyche that naturally push us towards these roles.

    You are so beautiful. In the light of your recent posts, perhaps you need to be more forgiving and learn to love yourself…? x

    • Britni TheVadgeWigNo Gravatar
      Posted March 7, 2010 at 5:09 pm | Permalink

      I guess I’m failing to understand what you’re saying with this comment. That I crave the BDSM aspect because I’m in pain internally? Like a cutter?

      While there is some truth to that, that’s not why I enjoy BDSM. I do become more masochistic when I’m upset or angry or hurting, and I have a post planned about that.

  4. SarahbearNo Gravatar
    Posted March 6, 2010 at 9:45 pm | Permalink

    Ouch! Is that a ‘B’ on your hip? =)

    • Britni TheVadgeWigNo Gravatar
      Posted March 7, 2010 at 5:07 pm | Permalink

      Indeed :)

  5. minaNo Gravatar
    Posted March 6, 2010 at 11:01 pm | Permalink

    *giggles* we have the same paddle :) I love mine and how beautiful the “slut” appears.

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