
Archived somewhere on the web, I came across some pictures from before my blog was hastily deleted after being found by a crazy ex. There were only five or so pictures, and this was one of them:

Thundercock is one of my favorite people ever, and not just because he’s awesome in the sack. He’s got lots of little things that endear him to me. One of those things is the fact that he’s all tattooed and he’s also an artist, so after we had fucked, when we were laying in bed in the after-sex glow, he would draw tattoos on me.
It was this little thing that he did that made me feel so connected to him. He cared enough to put *his* art on *my* body. That meant something to me. And I still remember that feeling of being completely connected to someone, and it makes me nostalgic.
It’s nice to find a picture that makes you nostalgic about an amazingly powerful POSITIVE connection, instead of one that brings back nothing but awful memories of an awful relationship.
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  1. Sa
    Posted December 30, 2009 at 2:37 am | Permalink

    That is so sexy too, I think. My sister sometimes draws tattoos on me, and it makes us closer-as you say I love feeling that I'm wearing something personal for someone else.

    Lovely story.

  2. mrs. m
    Posted December 30, 2009 at 11:00 am | Permalink

    sexy. i'm jealous. :P i've got to find a tattoo artist to be my next lover. lmao.

    in all seriousness, i understand your nostalgia. i LOVE when i remember someone from my past and i smile and my heart just bursts because the memory of them is so good and so pure (they are few and far between). it is one of the best feelings.

  3. eva
    Posted December 30, 2009 at 11:12 am | Permalink

    "Thundercock" is such a good nickname! Sometimes I find the rubbish stuff is easier to remember, so it's nice to have pictures of good times as a proof that they did happen so as to not forget.

  4. Complicated Kitten
    Posted December 30, 2009 at 11:13 am | Permalink

    I do so love to see some tats on my lover's body! I haven't been brave enough to go get my own just yet… work in progress I suppose :)


  5. Ms. Inconspicuous
    Posted December 30, 2009 at 11:14 am | Permalink

    The husband and I will occasionally do henna designs. It's a nice exercise in patience as well as mutual artistry and intimacy. :)

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