Tweets From A Strip Club

I *may* have been frustrated that we couldn’t get a dance last night.

This is PrettyPrettyPrincess‘ take on it:

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  1. Another Suburban Mom
    Posted August 1, 2009 at 7:33 pm | Permalink

    These are very funny. I always get treated very nicely at the strip club. It must have been newbie stripper night.

  2. Red
    Posted August 1, 2009 at 8:53 pm | Permalink

    omg! I had the same experience at ShowGirls in SF!! I was there for 7 fucking hrs (I blogged about it, go look lol) None of the dancers asked me for a dance and I was even sitting alone all night


  3. Kara and Jessica
    Posted August 1, 2009 at 11:40 pm | Permalink

    I love those. Every time I've gone I have the same problem. They just kind of look at you and go on to the next guy. Maybe someone just needs to create a lesbian strip club.

  4. Amorous Rocker
    Posted August 3, 2009 at 7:22 am | Permalink

    That sucks! BabyDolls, Bombshells and Jaguars aren't as nice as the oh so classy Spearmint but they usually have several very girl friendly strippers working. I never have trouble getting attention in either of those places. Next time you visit, if you do, I'll hopefully have money to go out and not be puking my guts out and sleeping all day/night.

    Y'alls drunk tweets were f'ing hilarious.

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