If you all remember, I had asked all of you kind people for pictures of your tits a little while back, and received rewards based on the number of pictures I received. I was rewarded with 28 orgasms in 24 hours, one for each individual breast. As I told you, I completed 24 of those.
Monday afternoon, I received another task. I was to request “tit pics, ass pics, or anything else. [I would] be rewarded with orgasms for each. One orgasm per tit, three for pictures [He] deemed to be sufficiently explicit.” I had 24 hours to collect the pictures. I sent a few tweets, and my Twitter followers came through big time. Maybe too well, in fact. Because I am now to have 74 orgasms. Seventy-four. That is hysterical. In fact, I laughed maniacally when I received the text with the final tally. And quite possibly impossible. However, I am determined to give it a shot. Originally, the time frame was 48 hours, but after the total was tallied, He told me that it may be extended.
I began coming around 8:30 last night. I had 20 orgasms by the time I went to sleep at midnight. I had two before getting out of bed this morning and one in the car on the way to work, which brings my total as of noon today to 23.
I’ll let you guys know how it goes. And you can follow it live if you follow me on Twitter, of course.

The guy is clearly sadistic XD And so are your twitter-followers
Have fun and good luck!
/Nuclear Rainbow
Good luck.
You're lucky I didn't make it 75/77 (depends on what your master would rate). LOL
my vagina would faint. srsly!
Good luck, that's quite a challenge!
So does he give you any of the orgasms?
ooooh!! Good girl!
La Roo, unfortunately he is not local and therefore cannot physically help me out at the moment.