Wish List

Anal Toys

Ryder Plug
Pure Plug
Tulip Plug
Jeweled Plug


Alumina Revolve
Silk (large)


Gee Whiz Magic Wand Attachment
Little Chroma
Wahl 7 in 1
G Twist


Under the Bed Restraints
Strict Leather Fur Lined Locking Restraints (wrist and ankle)
Cuff Connectors
Pink Adjustable Spreader Bar
Rubber Paddle
Lollipop Crop
Adjustable Tweezer Clamps


Sliquid Sassy Lube
Liquid Silk


Joque Spareparts Harness
Corset Harness


Adult Toy Box
Big Foot Case
Liberator Throe

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  1. Hubman
    Posted July 26, 2009 at 7:37 am | Permalink

    Friends of ours speak VERY highly of the nJoy toys you mention and I've had the chance to handle the Eleven and the 2.0 plug. Hope you like 'em big if you go for those!!!

    I'm really intrigued about a spreader bar. I might have to talk to Veronica to see what she thinks of trying one…

  2. Britni TheVadgeWig
    Posted July 26, 2009 at 7:39 am | Permalink

    I have the Njoy Pure Wand and I absolutely love it. I would own every single item they make if I could afford it.

    Plus, the company is great. When I initially bought the Pure Wand, I didn't love it and wrote a review saying so, and Greg from Njoy emailed me asking what it was that I didn't like and asking for input for future toys.

    They're fantastic.

  3. Sven
    Posted July 26, 2009 at 9:44 am | Permalink

    I have c-rings and ball stretchers from extreme restraints and must say that they are not only of good quality, but do the job just right. Currently, I have my eye on some harnesses for men and may get one very soon. Any advice?

  4. Meg
    Posted July 26, 2009 at 12:09 pm | Permalink

    Most of these things are sort of beyond where I'm at, sexually, but I just have to throw out there that Britni is AWESOME and gave me great advice when I was buying my first vibe. As soon as I have more money, I'm going to go for a new one, again using recommendations from Britni.

    I never realized that getting myself off could be so…amazing.

  5. Topaz
    Posted July 26, 2009 at 11:09 pm | Permalink

    I'm with Meg… nowhere near you Britni! But I'm no stranger to some of the more common items. But (and this is where most of you say 'shut up, Topaz!') the only thing that makes me cringe is the thousands of dollars that list totals to! Yikes!

    ps – adult toy box looks like something Santa needs to leave under my tree.

  6. nenasadije
    Posted July 27, 2009 at 9:01 am | Permalink

    the tulip plugs are awesome! recommended to me by AAG. i was looking for something filling but not too crazy. it also had to suit my ass and my husband's. we can both have one in without any problems.
    (word verification = poldswat. heh)

  7. Lilly
    Posted July 28, 2009 at 9:56 pm | Permalink

    I think Carrie reviewed that jewel plug recently and said it damn near got sucked up into her ass.

    Also, I've seen them, you'd be better off getting the Adult Toy Chest, the Toy Box is actually kinda small and not very deep. The bigfoot rules though, but does keep things in there in a more "dump it in and clutter" way.

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