Wardrobe Malfunction: The Therapist Is *In*

I went to work today with my new, shorter hair. It struck me that I have not documented any of my work outfits. Today’s was an atypical work outfit in that it is more reminiscent of my normal style than most of the things I wear to work are. But I liked it and so I took a picture.

I am wearing:

  • Green paisley shirt by Bebe
  • Black shiny skirt from Target
  • Long black cardigan from Target
  • Silver quilted booties by BCBG
  • Large silver earrings
Only one of my six scheduled clients showed up today. While I love what I do, the population I work with can be very unreliable which can be very frustrating.
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  1. I'm MIXED bitch.
    Posted March 31, 2009 at 9:23 am | Permalink

    heyooo, i totally understand about an unreliable population that you're dealing with and how that's frustrating. i translate during therapy sessions for refugees who are survivors of torture–it is SO hard to get them to show up, and show up ON TIME. they've obvi had it rough though (like your clientele)….

    you look fucking fabulous. the end.

  2. LL Cool Joe
    Posted March 31, 2009 at 6:35 pm | Permalink

    Great haircut btw. :)

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