So, I asked my readers what I should do with my hair. The results of the poll were pretty split and there was no clear winner. So what I did was bring two pictures in to my hair dresser and asked her what she thought. We did a modified version of Rihanna’s cut (and this is the Katie Holmes picture I brought in). I actually think it ended up looking like vintage Twiggy.
We also opted to dye it a reddish color. And so, my hair is freaking gone. And I freaking love it.
And one with the glasses:
And, as requested, from the back:
*No, I did not pull a Lorena Bobbit.
Looks great to me!
very pretty!!
great smile too.
Beautiful hun!
Love it, love it, love it!
Sharp and hot!
HOT. can we see it from the back?
I took the best picture I could from the back. I'll try to get a better one later.
It look great!
I wish I could have short hair, but I just can't. I'm a woman of options. lol
You should get a kick ass nape of the neck tattoo for this kind of haircut!
Lookin' good!
I especially like the look on your face in the 2nd and 4th photos
Great cut, Britni. You look super adorable.
IT LOOKS SO GOOD. I think short cuts are so feminine and fierce. You are rockin' the color too. I wish my hair had a good texture for a short style, I'd chop it off in a SECOND. good on you.
SHIT DAMN! You look amazing, lady. There's nothing so liberating as chopping the locks off. I'd hit that, as the kids say. Orla (aka CarrieNation) xxx
So cute! You pull that look off really well. Very sexy and classy!
I usually never think short hair is cute but you look amazing.
Looks really cute. I love short hair on women, although I'm growing mine out again right now. I just started reading, by the way, and I'm loving the blog.
yes. yes. yes…yes! YES!!
really cute!
I gotta say.. YOU LOOK WICKED HOT!!!!!!
that is all carry on
You look great, love the cut.