One Condoms

I love One Condoms. I know I preach about my Crowns, and trust me, those are still my condoms of choice, but I love One Condoms, too. Why do I love One Condoms so much? They are made from a higher quality latex than most standard (Trojan, Durex, Lifestyles) condoms. That, and they’re just freaking cool. The wrappers have all kinds of different artwork on them, and each has a “one liner” that has to do with a concept and includes the word “One.”
They also come in five different varieties (plus a variety pack). There’s Super Sensitive, which is their regular condom; 576 Sensations, which is studded with 576 raised dots for extra sensation; The Legend, which is the larger sized condom; Pleasure Dome, which has a roomier head; and Glowing Pleasures, which glows in the dark.
Here are the different condoms wrappers that you get an assortment of in each box (clicky clicky to make bigger):

But I don’t just love One Condoms because they’re cool. And I don’t just love them because they are a quality condom (that you can get at CVS and I always run out and buy when I’m out of my beloved Crowns). What I love about One Condoms is their commitment to safer sex education and outreach. They offer ways that you can help, as well as information on their site, but what’s even cooler is that they have designed specific wrappers to appeal to specific populations that they can provide to health educators and outreach centers that work with specialized populations (click the images to see the condoms in larger sizes).
There’s the Designer Mix, which is beautiful and lacks the one liners that all the other wrappers have:
The Urban Mix, which are geared toward a younger and more ethnically diverse population:
From left to right, top row followed by bottom row, the slogans say: Ring One Up, One For Your Soul, One Sweet Nothing, One on One, One Power Move, One Hot Rhyme, Drop One Like It’s Hot, Mix One Up, One Plus One, Refreshing One, Listen to One, and One Wild Style.
The Pride Mix, which are aimed at a gay population (I assume the lack of lesbian imagery on the wrappers is due to the fact that lesbians don’t use condoms, though many might use them on their toys, but I digress):
The slogans on these say: Waiting For One, One Lucky Towel, One Six Pack, Two for One, One Night Out, One Big Gun, One in Ten (that’s a reference to the fact that 10% of the population, or 1 in 10 people, is gay), He Was One, One Brotherhood, Committed One, Scruffy One, and One Peck.
And the Risque Mix, which are more naughty and for more mature audiences:
The slogans on these are: Cheeky One, One Cool Sensation, Kick One Up, One Tease, Sinful One, One Nibble, One Satisfied Customer, One Slow Curve, One Desire, Left One Right One, Popular One, and One Up Close.
So, if these were not yet on your radar, I suggest checking them out and supporting the company by buying a box. Hell, they ARE available at CVS, and I find them to be much, much, much better than Trojans, Durex, or Lifestyles. 
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  1. The Promo Homo
    Posted February 6, 2009 at 7:33 am | Permalink

    Little known fact… Condom World was one of the first stores to carry these.

    It's still weird to me to see them all national and shit.

  2. April
    Posted February 6, 2009 at 9:10 am | Permalink

    Love the wrapper designs!

    And I think it's awesome that they donate 5% of their sales on educating people about safe sex. That is so damn important and on a related note, I really think that it's important to teach our youth about safe sex rather than abstinence.

  3. twg
    Posted February 6, 2009 at 10:06 am | Permalink

    Don't they make them down at the seaport, too? Right near Harpoon?

  4. Nolens Volens
    Posted February 7, 2009 at 11:25 pm | Permalink

    Enjoyed the "journey". LOL

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