American Idol Is Still Really, Really Gay

I would not call American Idol a queer friendly show. They want to be family friendly and appeal to a lot of people, and families and mainstream America just isn’t really down with the gays. But every year, there are contestants who send my gaydar ping-ping-pinging. I mean, these are performers, and while I hate stereotypes, you can’t argue that there aren’t a lot of gay men in musical theatre and the performing arts. It’s inevitable. This year, these are the boys that have set my ‘dar off. And this is just fun, harmless speculation.
Adam Lambert. 

He spent a year and a half touring with the production of Wicked. As AfterElton points out, he is quite theatrical. And because I can’t say it any better than they did: “Whether or not Adam Lambert the 26-year-old aspiring singer is gay, the persona that he brought to the American Idol judges is as gay as a bucket of rainbow-striped newborn kittens dipped in glitter and tastefully arranged on Liberace’s grave.”

And I can’t say I disagree. He is, as Idol producers and judges prefer to call it, “theatrical.” He is effeminite. He was in a Broadway musical. And there’s just something about the way he carries himself. He also sang a Cher song. Yeah. Though most girls seem to have no gaydar whatsoever, because he has a huge following of girls that are totally obsessed with him. Check him out:

EDIT: Okay, I’m gonna pretty much guarantee that he’s probs gay. There’s this, and then there’s this quote: ”She’s wonderful. She’s appearing in Wicked right now. I got to kiss those lips , and although it’s not necessarily my preference….. it was really nice.” AND these two videos which make it clear that he is fabulous and someone that I need to hang out with.

Jorge Nunez.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s something about the way he carries himself, the way he speaks, and the way he performs. What do you guys think?

Nathaniel Marshall.
Okay, there is no arguing this one. He is the faggiest of fags. He is flaming. He is also a drama queen who like to cry.

Also, he’s had the best on-camera moment so far when Tatiana The Annoying Girl made it through to the Top 36 and he seemed to forget that he was on camera for a moment. He makes the best “what the fuck, bitch?” face that I ever seen, followed by the faggiest polite clap he could manage when he remembered that he was on camera. Gold.

Nick Mitchell (Norman Gentle).
He has this stage personality that is over the top and ridiculous, and there is just something about the way he speaks and acts that screams “gay” to me.

Von Smith.
The contestant otherwise known as Shouty McShouterson because he likes to shout his songs as loud as he possibly can. Another one who is just a little too effeminite for me to be totally convinced that he is straight.

I’m also on the fence about Ricky Braddy. What do you guys think about him? He could go either way for me, since I really haven’t gotten to see all that much of him yet.
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