I have to work at noon. I cannot watch. No internet streaming and no TV. But I will DVR it. And I am already crying. Have a great day, everyone!

I have to work at noon. I cannot watch. No internet streaming and no TV. But I will DVR it. And I am already crying. Have a great day, everyone!
In about ten minutes, George Walterwalking* Bush will clear the way for a new President. The world, including old Europe, welcomes Barack Obama!
*Some call him George Walker, some call him Walking-on-Water-but-sinking.
A considerable proportion of "old Europe" is supremely disinterested in Barack Obama and is confidently expecting his presidency to have precisely bugger all effect on how the US is perceived throughout the rest of the world.
Sorry to deflate the american bubble, but we are about as interested in who is actually president of the US as they are in who is Prime Minister of Britain, President of France or Chancellor of Germany.
It was FUCKING AWESOME to see how many people showed up! The photo doesn't do justice in sheer number of people. They're already saying that the old record of 1.2 mil turning out to see LBJ was easily broken…around 2 mil…wow!
M.A.D.: speak for yourself. me and my boyfriend sat glued to the television yesterday to see obama become president, and i'm not from usa, i'm from norway. last time i checked norway was part of europe. my boyfriend is italian, i've heard italy counts as europe too.
my friends in england and norway followed the election closely and was all excited when obama won. it is in the news. people talk about it. it is NOT insignificant. you can think whatever you want about usa, but usa has a lot of influence over the world, everything is connected- what happens to usa is important; not only for the people who live in usa, but for people everywhere else too.