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Britni TheVadgeWig
I'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
Because I Am a Shameless, Broke-Ass Bitch
All donations are welcome, of course! You can always buy me something off my wishlist, as well. -
Dirty Minds
- 13 Messages
- A Hundred Ways To Be Perverse In The Library
- Always Aroused Girl
- Ask Garnet
- Bad Bad Girl
- Carnivalesq
- Dangerous Liaisons
- Desk Full of Dildos
- Dove's Nest
- Facts and Friction
- Fantastically Naughty
- Figleaf's Real Adult Sex
- Hello Saraid
- Hey Epiphora
- indelible wench
- Juliettia
- Love, sex, feminism and cats
- Not So Vanilla
- Of Sex and Love
- Random Curiosities
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- The Cherry Scoop
- They Belong To Us
- This Could Be Dangerous…
Kinky Bastards
- A Kinky Girl's Descend
- Curvaceous Dee
- Diary of a Kinky Librarian
- Diary of an Undercover Kinkster
- Domme Chronicles
- Master of His Own Domain
- Rantings of a Redheaded Insomniac
- Seeing My Own Reflection
- sub french
- The Adventures of Kara and Jessica
Bitchin' Peeps
- 365 Days of Blueeyedtawni
- Another Suburban Mom
- April's Random Showers
- Are You My Life?
- bebehblog
- Diary of a Babydyke
- From the mind of the evil twin
- Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun!
- Hysteria!
- Inspiration Beyond Reason
- Merda D'Artista
- Neamhspleach
- Not Your Average Chick
- Pour Some Sugar on Sara
- Presto Manifesto
- Pussy Goes Grrr
- Random Thoughts of a Crazy Liberal
- Shades of Gray
- The Freezing Flames
- The Wild and Absolutely True Adventures of Meg
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Get Yourself Off
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Babeland Bartender Boyfriend CB Dude Eden Fantasys Epiphora Fascinations Good Vibes Her Jess Manifesto Jesus Naughty and Discreet Pink Cherry Profligacy Red Republican Cowboy Sir The Bruiser The Irishman The One That Got Away The Redneck The Scientist Threesome Girl Thundercock TM TM TL Vibe Review Vibrator.com Virtually Adult -
Go Back In Time
Boredom Results in Britni Reciting Her ABCs
[A is for age:] 21 and legally drunk at all times.
[B is for booze of choice] 99% of the time it’s a vodka cran. Or a cosmo. Or a Woo Woo shot, which is the girliest drink/shot EVER (vodka, peach schnopps, and a splash of cran). Apparently I like red/pink drinks. That makes me a pussy bitch of a girl.
[C is for career] Eternal student.
[D is for your dog's name:] Frisco and Cody. They live with the ‘rents in SoFla.
[E is for essential items you use everyday:] Cell phone. Vibrator. Q-Tips. Red Bull. iPod. Moisturizer. Daily planner (I’m fucking lost without that damn thing. I also apparently have the mouth of a goddamn sailor today. Fucking deal with it).
[F is for favorite song(s) at the moment:]“Shoot Me in the Smile” by The Matches. Anything by The Receiving End of Sirens. I’ve rediscovered “I Want To Save You” by Something Corporate.
[G is for favorite games:] Anything that involves the imbibing of alcohol. I don’t play games in other contexts.
[H is for hometown:] A town in Florida
[I is for instruments you play:] I played the flute in 6th grade. Does that count?
[J is for jam or jelly you like:] How about “D. None of the above”
[K is for kids?] No thank you.
[L is for last kiss?:] Cape Boy, this morning.
[M is for most admired trait:] According to Jo, “hands down, it’s your honesty”. So, my honesty.
[N is for name of your crush:] Sarah Shahi, aka Carmen on The L Word.
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] Zip, zilch, nada, never, none.
[P is for phobias:] Dampness. Tall people. Foreign Asian tourists.
[Q is for quotes you like:] I will credit this to the lovely and talented Esthero: “You can tie my hair behind my back and lick my initials in my neck, foreplay does nothing for me but commitment makes me wet.” And from The L Word: “Sexuality is fluid. Whether you’re gay, straight, or bisexual, you just go with the flow.”
[R is for biggest regret:] Honestly, I have none. I don’t regret anything that I’ve done or haven’t done, because it all makes me the person that I am.
[S is for sweets of your choice:] I lack a sweet tooth. I don’t like chocolate, or anything with sugar in it really. I do like the salty snacks, though, and will eat 12 bags of chips in a single sitting.
[T is for time you wake up:] 11 AMish.
[U is for underwear:] Boyshorts and thongs.
[V is for vegetables you love:] Lettuce, cucumbers, avocado, chick peas, hearts of palm, green olives (I think that half of those aren’t even vegetables, but I don’t care).
[W is for worst habit:] Laziness/apathy in general.
[X is for x-rays you've had:] Ankles, back, fingers, wrists, ankles.
[Y is for yummy food you make:] Matzoh ball soup.
[Z is for zodiac sign:] Sagittarius. Brutally honest, spontaneous, scathing. Hi, nice to meet you.