Facebook is starting to scare me.
I updated my status to this:
And the second I hit “post,” the adverts on my sidebar changed to this:
For the record, Facebook, you are wrong. I do not like either of those things, but thanks for playing.
Facebook is starting to scare me.
I updated my status to this:
And the second I hit “post,” the adverts on my sidebar changed to this:
For the record, Facebook, you are wrong. I do not like either of those things, but thanks for playing.
Facebook thinks I’m a Mormon. Apparently because I have two FB friends who live in Salt Lake City. They really need to work on their algorithms.
On a tangent, are you a fan of Kevin Smith at all/heard of his latest film Red State (based on a fictional murderous version of the Phelps family)?
In promotion for it (since he’s releasing it himself, rather than through a distribution studio who will do proper ads/posters), he’s taken the film on the road and done a series of Q’n'As after showing the film. In one, he got a couple of family members who’d left the church up on stage to ask them about life in the church/the Phelps’ real aims, and it’s pretty insightful/interesting. He then posted it up as part of a ‘Plus One’ podcast he does with his wife. Just figured you might be interested, if you were watching that documentary: http://smodcast.com/plusone/plusone/plusone15.html