Holy shit, my legs look skinny as hell from this angle!
What can I say? I’ve always had chicken legs.
And I gave myself this pedicure, thankyouverymuch. I usually go have them done, but I am a broke ass bitch and cannot afford the $26. Holla.

Chicken legs are better than cankles, in my opinion. Your toes look marvelous, darling! Simply marvelous. All ten of them! (it would only cost me $13 to get a pedi 'cause I got half the toes! a bonus for me!) hee hee.
Love the pedi. I was contemplating one for myself, but then I remembered that where I live wool socks are going to be haute couture for the next seven months.
You have *loooong* toes, woman! (Me too.)
very nice feet!
I have a special admiration for anyone who can pull off wearing toe rings. nice choice of polish color too