Monthly Archives: July 2005

An Early HNT Entry

Okay, so my mom’s coming to visit for a few days, and we’re going to Martha’s Vinyard until Friday. Therefore, I will not be here to post a HNT entry on Thursday. Here is my early entry: Everyone, say hello to my protruding clavical and my volumptuous cleavage. They say hello back.
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Happy “Half-Nekkid Thursday” my dears! This HNT entry is dedicated to the summer that I am missing at home, and the amazing beaches that I usually spend my summer on. This picture of my lovely gams was taken last summer as I lounged on Ft. Lauderdale beach with my friends. Note the festive lei and [...]
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    PhotobucketI'm Britni, a snarky bitch and generally awesome person. I write about sex, love, and bullshit. If sex-positivity, discussions about BDSM and kink, queer issues, and topics that are completely inappropriate by society's standards make you uncomfortable, then this blog is not for you.
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  • The Inspiration(s) Behind the Name

    "I'm missus 'Oh my god, that Britney's Britni's shameless.'"
    -Britney Spears, Piece of Me
    "Just blame it all on me, say I was shameless.
    Say I couldn't slow it down, Let alone stop it.
    And say you just hung around, 'Cuz you couldn't top it." -Ani DiFranco, Shameless
    "I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless."
    -Lily Allen, The Fear
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